➡ Click here: Concept of physics by hc verma
The last part of the HC verma pdf mentions about the special theory of relativity. A common problem that was observed with many JEE aspirants is that they follow multiple books in parallel, thereby ending up in confusion. The formulae get complex and their application in the numerical emerges the most important task for the student if he wants to develop complete conceptual knowledge.
Here is plus point of this book. The last part of the HC verma pdf elements about the special theory of relativity. Verma has authored the book Concepts of Physics HC Verma Vol 2 which provides step-by-step demonstrations to various concepts and problems in Physics in an easy, simplified, no-brainer manner. HC Verma Solutions Part 1 The first part consists of 22 chapters. The custodes need not pay anything for these solutions which are available in pdf download format for free. The fundamental theories of this subject begin to evolve at +2 level where the students are introduced the secondary level concepts that form the basis of higher level studies.
They also have good illustrations that help the student to make concepts clear as well as a wide range of problems with varying levels of difficulty are given. Concepts Of Physics by HC Verma PDF is a comprehensive book, which serves to detail out the ideal book for not only the higher secondary students but also for those who are preparing for their competitive examinations like IIT JEE Main and Advance. At present he is working on a book on Electromechanics. HC Varma not only explains every concept in his book concepts of physics but try to connect each concept with live examples which are present in front of us so that the reader can understand concepts by himself.
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Harish Chandra Verma born 3 April 1952 is an Indian and a retired professor at the since 1994. His field of research is. Harish Chandra Verma Born 1952-04-03 3 April 1952 age 66 Nationality Alma mater , Known for Concepts of Physics Vol. GN Rao Website He has authored several books on physics at the graduate, undergraduate and school levels. His most popular work is the two-volume book. He has co-founded initiatives like Shiksha Sopan for the social upliftment of the children of the economically weaker section living near the IITK campus. According to his website, he is currently working on a book dealing with , and at the undergraduate level. Verma spent most of his childhood in and this can be reflected in some texts in his book. He was trained in basic arithmetic by his father Shri Ganesh Prasad Verma, a teacher. Verma has been through the sweet and sour experiences of India's school education system, and this gave him low interest towards studies throughout his school years; until high school, due to which he even struggled to pass his exams. After he graduated high school, he entered , which was a place that moulded this normal school boy into a confident and bright adolescent. Patna Science College's environment was totally different than his former school. The teachers were bright, enthusiastic and encouraging. As a student who struggled for passing marks was changed into a third place student in Patna University, receiving a B. Honours degree in Physics. From 1975 to 1977, Verma joined the IIT Kanpur for a M. He then chose to remain at IIT Kanpur for his doctorate. Verma received a PhD degree in less than three years. Patna Science College In 1980, Verma joined the reputed as a lecturer. He remained in Patna Science college as a lecturer and reader for 15 years before coming to. Verma joined IIT Kanpur in 1994 as assistant professor. Here, he taught many courses, guided M. While at IIT Kanpur, apart from his regular assignments, he took many socio-educational initiatives for the benefit of education and society. Some of these initiatives are , , and. He retired from formal teaching on 30 June 2017, after 38 years in Teaching Physics. Publications He has published 139 research papers for various journals. He has also written several books on Physics for school and intermediate levels. Of these, Concepts of Physics has become a widely known and recommended book on the subject.